This is What Happens When You Watch Porn: Sexual Depletion & Dysfunction

Scriptures and teachings of ancient knowledge are unanimous in their belief around the sacred nature of our sexuality and nearly all speak of a depletion of life force that occurs due to excess and unconscious sexual practices.

Many who have dealt with Novelty Addiction have felt the effects of depletion, the loss of vigor and vitality, and have suffered the consequences of ill health.

Some have yet to correlate the effects of ill health to their sexual practices but in many cases, there is a direct correlation.

Many ancient teachings encourage practitioners of Sacred Sexual practices to completely cease ejaculation which is believed to carry within it, a man’s life force energy.

Modern science agrees on some level, concentrating not on the semen itself, but the process of creating semen and reaching climax which can have damaging effects on vitality, the nervous system, and the brain.

For those ancient scriptures that do not directly encourage withholding from ejaculation, conscious ejaculation is instead exhorted.

These guidelines instruct that it is not about if you ejaculate but rather how you ejaculate.

Creating connection with a conscious partner and working towards union with something higher is often the ultimate goal.

No matter how sexuality is taught throughout the ages the common ground is always that sexuality is sacred and should be honored with reverence and humility.

Those who abuse the power of sexuality will suffer in numerous ways and will never reach the full potential of their innate divinity.

Another consequence of such abuse is often seen as Sexual Dysfunction.

This can express as an inability to obtain or sustain an erection, inability to climax or delayed ejaculation, difficulties during partnered sex, numbness or lack of pleasure, and many other dysfunctions that rob someone of the ability to enjoy the beauty of their sexuality.

These issues can arise from any disconnection of sacred sexual practice, be it sex addiction, compulsive masturbation, health issues, trauma, etc. but here I will mainly be speaking of Porn-Inducted Erectile Dysfunction (PIED).

Mental health specialists should take into consideration the possible effects of pornography consumption on men’s sexual behaviors, men’s sexual difficulties, and other attitudes related to sexuality. In the long term pornography seems to create sexual dysfunctions, especially the individual’s inability to reach an orgasm with his partner. Someone who spends most of his sexual life masturbating while watching porn engages his brain in rewiring its natural sexual sets (Doidge, 2007) so that it will soon need visual stimulation to achieve an orgasm.

Many different symptoms of porn consumption, such as the need to involve a partner in watching porn, the difficulty in reaching orgasm, and the need for porn images in order to ejaculate turn into sexual problems. These sexual behaviors may go on for months or years and it may be mentally and bodily associated with the erectile dysfunction, although it is not an organic dysfunction. Because of this confusion, which generates embarrassment, shame, and denial, lots of men refuse to seek help.

Pornography offers a very simple alternative to obtain pleasure without implying other factors that were involved in human’s sexuality along the history of mankind. The brain develops an alternative path for sexuality which excludes “the other real person” from the equation. Furthermore, pornography consumption in a long term makes men more prone to difficulties in obtaining an erection in the presence of their partners.
— ~Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, Cotigă, Alin C

It is important to remember that PIED is not an issue with your cock. It is an issue with your brain! Which CAN and WILL heal with devotion and dedication to the Raw Devotion Detox.


Intro: Masturbation in its excessive and pre-eminent form, generally associated today to pornographic addiction, is too often overlooked in the clinical assessment of sexual dysfunction it can induce…

Results: Initial results for these patients, after treatment to “unlearn” their masturbatory habits and their often associated addiction to pornography, are encouraging and promising. A reduction in symptoms was obtained in 19 patients out of 35. The dysfunctions regressed and these patients were able to enjoy satisfactory sexual activity.

Conclusion: Addictive masturbation, often accompanied by a dependency on cyber-pornography, has been seen to play a role in the etiology of certain types of erectile dysfunction or coital anejaculation. It is important to systematically identify the presence of these habits rather than conduct a diagnosis by elimination, in order to include habit-breaking deconditioning techniques in managing these dysfunctions.
— ~European Federation of Sexology, R. Prodo

Those that have become liberated from Novelty Addiction regain a new connection to their cocks and find that issues that even medication could not remedy, are completely reversed.

There are severe consequences to playing chemist with the chemistry of your intelligent body.

Your body, mind, and spirit have the power to heal when you are able to get out of the way and let the intelligence of your body and the cosmos do the work.


This is What Happens When You Watch Porn: Dehumanizing & Social Anxiety


This is What Happens When You Watch Porn: Coolidge Effect